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What Do We Do?

The Northern Human Services Partnership (NHSP), also known as the Northern Regional Intersectoral Committee, promotes partnership and collaboration between human service agencies in northern Saskatchewan.  We work to build agency and community capacity and to work towards the betterment and expansion of human services in our region.  The NHSP strives to be the grounding force behind this change, a forum for problem solving, resource sharing and networking. 


We work towards positive change within our region and strives to meet the diverse needs of northern residents.  At a provincial level, the NHSP serves as a voice of individuals from the north.  For this, we venture to work in partnership with communities, human service agencies, government, researchers and analysts to coordinate linkages that shape and influence current and potential programs and policies which will benefit northern Saskatchewan.


Check out our latest NHSP Brochure here:








In summer of 2012, the Northern Human Services Partnership (NHSP) undertook a strategic planning session.  This session allowed for the NHSP Executive, in partnership with sub-committee members, to determine the direction of the NHSP for the upcoming years.  The following Vision, Mission, Mandate and Values were developed.


 Our Vision

The Northern Human Services Partnership (NHSP) provides a coordinated and collaborative approach that will result in strong, healthier people, families and communities with well-functioning agencies who work together to improve northern quality of life.


 Our Mandate

To further the ability of agencies and communities to make the best use of opportunities and to develop and nuture northern responses to complex and serious issues and challenges.


 Our Mission

Our mission is to create and maintain a forum for the planning and delivery of integrated human services for Northern people. 

We do this by:

  • Facilitating collaboration to address north-wide socio-economic opportunities and issues.

  • Using data driven dialogue and incubating "best-practice" to address issues.

  • Keeping agencies and service providers informed and connected north-wide.

  • Building community, regional and agency capacity regarding training, grants, networking and project support.

  • Identifying gaps and avoiding duplication through data driven advocacy to influence leadership and shape policy.

  • Establishing a strong, collective voice for social change.


 We Value:

  • Integrated teamwork and respectful communication;

  • Utilizing a community development approach to strengthen communities and organizations;

  • Data driven dialogue focused on solutions;

  • Avoiding duplication by promoting and supporting each other in jurisdictional inclusion;

  • Advocacy with and on behalf of Northerners; and,

  • Celebrating and sharing success.


Committee work is decided by the NHSP Membership and is both a reflection of regional and provincial provincial priorities. 




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