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Heritage Saskatchewan's Grant Database


If you are looking for funding, but don't know where to go, look no further!  This great database will link you with hundreds of potential funding opportunities. 


Click the star to take you directly to the site.


Child Nutrition Development Program (CNDP)


​Provides funding to nutrition initiatives in school divisions and community based organizations to ensure all children have access to the healthy food and knowledge they need to learn at their best!


Click the star get more information from the NHSP Coordinator.

Community Initiatives Fund (CIF)


The CIF hosts the Community Places and Spaces Grant and the Community Grant Program which funds initatives in the areas of:

  • Healthy growth and development of children and youth;

  • Individual, family and community well-being;

  • Supportive and inclusive communities;

  • Community engagement and capacity building.


Click the star to take you directly to the site.

Student Summer Works (SSW)


​Provides supplemental funding to organizations/businesses to hire a summer student to assist with operations and grow the skills of the student.  The program focuses on hiring students of Aboriginal descent or with a disability.


Click the star to take you directly to the site.

Funding Opportunities

Grant Writing Workshops


Don't know where to start?  We're here to help!  Contact the NHSP Coordinator for guidance in grant writing or to request a grant writing workshop in your community.  You pick the initiative, we bring the knowledge and expertise.  Grow your skills!


Click the star to contact the NHSP Coordinator!

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