The Northern Human Services Partnership membership is focused on human services and open to all provincial government ministries and secretariats; all federal government human service departments and secretariats; First Nations agencies; non-government agencies and community based-organizations (CBOs) with a mandate focused on the delivery of human services on either a north-wide or regional basis within the Northern Administration District (NAD).
The NHSP would like to express its gratitutde to each committee member for their time, committment and effort in the interagency work of the NHSP. The progress we make is a direct result of our efforts towards interagency work and service integration.
The Executive of the Northern Human Services Partnership is comprised of the following agencies/organizations:
Children North - Early Childhood Intervention Program, Cognitive Disability Strategy, Family Support Program
Creighton School Division
Keewatin Career Development Corporation
Keewatin Yatthe Regional Health Authority
KidsFirst North
Kikinahk Friendship Centre
Mamawetan Churchill River Health Region
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education - Early Years Branch
Ministry of Government Relations
Ministry of Government Relations - Northern Engagement
Ministry of Justice and Attorney General
Ministry of Justice - Community Corrections
Ministry of Social Services
Northern Healthy Communities Partnership
Northern Intertribal Health Authority
Northern Lights School Division
Northern Sport, Culture and Rectreation District
NorthSask Victim Services
Population Health Unit
We welcome all those agencies interested in becoming
members to contact the NHSP Coordinator for additional
information. We have a full orientation package available
upon request. If interested, please forward your request
and mailing address to our Coordinator.