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Communications and Evaluation

The Communications and Evaluation Sub-Committee is an ad-hoc committee of the Northern Human Services Partnership and is a valuable recommending body of the NHSP.  The purpose of this committee to develop and review communications and evaluation mechanisms for the NHSP and its initiatives.  The committee is currently in the process of developing a evaluation and communication framework which will guide current and future work.


Strategic Aim (Communication)

To effectively communicate with key stakeholders and to build awareness of the NHSP and its work on an ongoing basis through a variety of mechanisms.


Strategic Aim (Evaluation)

To provide a qualitative and quantitative approach to evaluation which serves to validate the work of the NHSP to its members and key stakeholders on an ongoing basis.


Current and Future Work:

  • Numerous press releases/media coverage regarding NHSP and its initiatives;

  • Development of brochures/information for NSHP and its initiatives;

  • Development of website and social media options (ongoing);

  • Utilization of NHSP bi-annual survey to inform actions and priorities of the NHSP; and,

  • Currently drafting of evaluation and communications framework.






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